Skin Care Tips for Children


Children enjoy pure and thin skin that can expose to cuts, scratches, and infections. To maintain the skin of children, it is always necessary to follow skin care tips that protect the skin of the child from any bad factors that may lead to damage.

Here are some skin care tips for a daily skin care system:

1. Cleaning:

Care should be taken to clean the skin of the child completely from head to feet with taking into account not to use strong soap that may affect the skin of children. Children should be taught to wash their hands with soap foam for at least 15 seconds to eliminate the microbes and rinse the hands afterward with water.

2. Care to treat wounds, scratches, and bruises on the skin:

Children love to play, explore, and discover any new things so there is always a new wound or bruise on the skin of the child, for girls and boys alike. Most of the injuries occur in the summer where there is a lot of going out and playing and the clothes are light and not protective for the child. So, you should take care of the wounds immediately by cleaning and sterilizing them. You can keep a wound sterilizer in your emergency bag. There is a sterile, antibacterial, spray-based sterilizer in an easy-to-carry bag.

3. Sun protection:

You may think that it is normal for a child to be exposed to the sun during play and that it is not a problem but it is dangerous because it causes the destruction of the skin at a young age and can lead to skin cancer in old age. Therefore, the child must be trained to use the sunblock every two hours and alert him to avoid exposure to direct sunlight, search for shady places, and use hats and umbrellas and so on.

Read also: Dental-Care For Kids

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