Negative Effects Of Technology On Kids


As a result of the technological development witnessed by our modern world, various devices and games have become available to many social circles in the world, especially children and adolescents. The technology is represented in iPads, BlackBerrys, iPhones, computers, and laser games. Many families have made these games available to their children without knowing that there are Negative Effects Of Technology On Kids which may cause many diseases.

Technological devices and their uses have a negative effect on kids, including:

  • Negative impact on long-term memory.
  • Contribution to the introversion of the child and his worries, especially when it touches the extent of addiction.
  • Sitting in front of the computer for a long time may make some inactive functions of the brain, especially long-term memory, in addition to brain stress.
  • Increased use of technology may increase the qualities of autism and isolationism, and lack of communication with people.
  • Technological devices can cause many diseases, such as cancer, brain tumors, headaches, nervous stress and fatigue, and Parkinson’s disease.
  • May pose a threat to the skin, brain, kidneys, genitals, and the most risk is the eye that loss its version.
  • Cervical diseases in the muscles of the neck in addition to other pains in the muscles that appear from prolonged and incorrect sitting.
  • Its use is often accompanied by a bending of the head and neck compared to regular office computers. So, technology forms a real concern about neck and shoulder pain.
  • Physical or intellectual laziness and mental delirium which result during sitting long hours in front of the television and laptops.
  • Children are afraid to go out and do not feel safe. Also, become more selfish and ruder in their dealings with their neighbors and tend to excessive aggression.

Last but not least we know that technology also has benefits for children. But you must reduce using it for them and allocate a certain time for them to avoid Negative Effects Of Technology On Kids.

Read also: Benefits Of Technology For Children

and Read also: Social Media For Kids

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